Users Terms

Last updated: 2024/8/15

This contract stipulates the rights and interests of all members (hereinafter referred to as consumers) when using the “online game service” (hereinafter referred to as the game) operated by Caijin Information Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as us or the business operator) to protect both parties. Regarding rights and obligations, consumers are advised to read the following contract provisions carefully. If the contract terms are changed in the future due to laws and regulations, the business operator will separately announce the changed terms. Consumers are advised to check them regularly to protect their own rights and interests.

Use contract

To protect your rights and interests, please read all the contents of the consent form in detail before using this service. When you click “I agree” online, it means that you have read and agreed to abide by the following terms and related legal regulations:

person who made the contract
Consumer (please fill in according to the member registration process)

Name of business operator: Caijin Information Co., Ltd.
Representative: Li Youcheng
Tel: 02-37621311
Email: [email protected]
Business Office Address: No. 2, Lane 150, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, 10th Floor-7
Unified number: 83742887

Article 1 Legal Agent

If the consumer is a person with limited capacity, the conclusion of this contract shall be subject to the consent of the consumer’s legal representative, and the contract shall take effect; if the consumer is a person without capacity, the conclusion of this contract shall be made by the consumer. The legal representative acts on his behalf.

If a person with limited capacity does not agree or a person with incapacity does not have a legal representative pay for points on his or her behalf, causing the legal representative to claim a refund, the legal representative may prepare supporting documents and submit an application in accordance with the procedures announced on the official website. After confirmation by the business operator, the unused game fees will be refunded to consumers.

Business operators should clearly indicate in Chinese on the home page of the official website, game login page or purchase page. If the consumer is a person with limited capacity or incapacity, in addition to complying with the provisions of Paragraph 1, the company should also notify the consumer’s legal agent. Only after you have read, understood and agreed to all the contents of this contract can you use this game service. The same applies when the terms of this contract are changed.

Article 2 Scope of application of the contract

Enterprise operators provide consumer online game services and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the game services). The rights and obligations of both parties regarding the game services are determined in accordance with the terms of this contract.

Article 3 Contents of the Contract

The following is regarded as part of this contract and has the same effect as the terms of this contract:

  1. Advertising or promotional content of business operators regarding this game service.
  2. Rate schedule and game management rules for fee-based games.
    If there is any doubt about the terms of this contract, it shall be interpreted in favor of the consumer.

Article 4 Definition of terms

The terms in this contract are defined as follows:

  1. Online games: refers to online games played by consumers through computers, smart devices or other electronic vehicles, connecting to the Internet to servers designated by business operators. However, it does not include electronic game machines, simple regional connections or other game services that do not require connecting to the game server through the Internet as referred to in the Electronic Game Venue Management Regulations.
  2. Game website: refers to the website established by business operators to provide this game service.
  3. Game management rules: These are rules established by business operators to regulate the way the game is played and do not affect the contractual rights and obligations of both parties.
  4. Game history: refers to the computer system’s record of the consumer’s game progress from the time the consumer logs into the game to the time the consumer logs out of the game.
  5. Plug-in program: refers to a program that is not provided by the enterprise operator and has the purpose of affecting or changing the operation of the enterprise operator’s online game.

Article 5 Service Scope

The game service provided under this contract is a server designated by the business operator, allowing consumers to log in and use the game service through an Internet connection. However, this does not include consumers applying for Internet access services from Internet access service providers and providing various hardware equipment required for Internet access.

Article 6 Game Login

Consumers who apply to use this game service should follow the application process and log in personal information or other necessary information consistent with their identity documents on the game website. In order to ensure the rights and interests of consumers in using this game service, the identity of the information provided by consumers should be verifiable. If it is incorrect or has changed, the business operator should be notified immediately to update it.

If it is necessary for a business operator to contact consumers to provide this game service, but the consumer does not provide correct personal information or the information originally provided is not true and has not been updated, the business operator may provide the consumer with true information or update it. Before data is collected, the services of consumer game progress and game history inquiry will be suspended. However, this does not apply if the consumer can prove that he is a party to the contract.

Article 7 Provisions on the right to terminate the contract

Consumers may notify the business operator in writing to terminate this contract within seven days after starting the game. The consumer does not need to explain the reasons or bear any fees.

In the case of the preceding paragraph, consumers may request a refund from the business operator for unused paid purchase points.

Article 8 Billing Method

The fee calculation method for this game service is: free system

This game service (e.g. game mall, online store, etc.) provides points, goods or other services (e.g. virtual currency or treasures, advanced props, etc.) that consumers need to pay extra for. Business operators should visit the official website Announcements on the homepage, game login page or purchase page state payment methods and product information.

When the rate is adjusted, the business operator should make an announcement on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page 30 days before the scheduled adjustment effective date; if the consumer has logged in the communication information when registering the account, the communication information logged in by the consumer shall be used. Notify consumers.

If the rate is adjusted, the new rate shall be calculated and charged from the effective date of the adjustment; if the new rate is higher than the old rate, the paid purchase points or games that the consumer has logged into the official website before the new rate takes effect shall Fees shall be charged at the same rate.

Article 9 Information that should be stated in this game service

Business operators should state the following matters on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page, and game package packaging:

  1. Indicate game classification levels and age groups that are prohibited or suitable for use in accordance with the game software classification management regulations.
  2. Minimum hardware and software requirements for this game service.
  3. Those who provide safety devices, their free or paid information.
  4. If there is a product or activity that offers a chance to win a prize through paid purchase, the activity content, prizes, winnings and other information should be recorded with reminders such as “This is a product with a chance to win. Consumers’ purchase or participation in the activity does not mean that they will obtain specific products.”

Article 10 Use of Account and Password

The account number and password obtained after the consumer completes the registration process are for consumer use only. The password in the preceding paragraph may be changed according to the modification mechanism provided by the enterprise operator. Business operators (including customer service personnel and game administrators) are not allowed to proactively ask consumers for their passwords. Business operators should retain the consumer’s account and the electromagnetic records attached to the account within thirty days after the contract is terminated.

If the contract is not terminated due to reasons attributable to the consumer, the consumer has the right to continue to use the account and the electromagnetic records attached to the account after applying for renewal within the period specified in the preceding paragraph.

When the period in Paragraph 2 expires and the consumer has not applied for renewal, the business operator may delete the account and all the information attached to the account, unless otherwise provided by law.

Article 11 Notification and handling of illegal use of account and password

If one party discovers that the account or password has been illegally used, it should immediately notify the other party and have the business operator conduct verification. After the business operator confirms the above-mentioned circumstances, the right to use the account or password may be suspended and the account or password should be changed. Consumers should immediately restrict the third party’s right to use this game service and disclose the relevant processing methods in the game management rules.

From the time when the right to use the game is temporarily restricted, the business operator shall immediately notify the third party mentioned in the preceding paragraph to provide an explanation via official website announcement, text message, email, push broadcast, or other methods agreed upon by both parties. If the third party fails to provide an explanation within seven days after receiving the notification, the business operator shall directly reply to the consumer of the improperly transferred electromagnetic record. If the reply cannot be made, other equivalent compensation methods agreed upon by both parties may be adopted, and the business operator shall After replying, the restrictions on the third party will be lifted. However, if the business operator provides free security devices (such as anti-theft cards, phone locks, etc.) but the consumer does not use them or there are other reasons attributable to the consumer, the business operator is not responsible for reply or compensation.

When the third party in Paragraph 1 does not agree with the business operator’s handling of the preceding Paragraph, the consumer may handle the matter through judicial channels in accordance with the reporting procedures.

When business operators restrict the use rights of consumers or third parties in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, the business operators shall not charge fees from consumers or third parties during the restricted use period.

Consumers shall bear all legal responsibilities if they make false declarations that cause damage to the rights of business operators or third parties.

Article 12. Saving and Inquiry of Game History

Business operators should keep consumers’ personal game history records for a period of thirty days for consumers to inquire.

Consumers may apply in writing, online, or in person at the service center of the business operator to access the consumer’s personal game history, and must provide personal information consistent with the identity document for verification. The inquiry fee is as follows, and shall be borne by the consumer. : Two hundred yuan.

When business operators receive inquiries from consumers, they should provide the consumer’s personal game history as listed in the first item, and provide the information within seven days via storage media or in writing or via email.

Article 13 Personal Data

Regarding the protection of personal data, it shall be handled in accordance with relevant legal provisions.

Article 14 Electromagnetic Records

All electromagnetic records in this game belong to the business operator, and the business operator should maintain the integrity of consumer-related electromagnetic records.

Consumers have the right to use and control the electromagnetic records mentioned in the preceding paragraph. However, transfers and income activities outside the scope of this game service are not included.

Article 15 Connection quality

If the business operator plans to suspend all or part of the game service in order to maintain the system and software and hardware equipment related to the game service, it should make an announcement on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page seven days in advance. However, this does not apply to reasons that are temporary, urgent or cannot be attributed to the business operator.

If consumers are unable to use this game service online due to reasons that are attributable to the business operator, the business operator should immediately correct or repair the problem. For consumers whose game fees or in-game products are deducted during the period of unavailability, business operators should return the game fees or goods, and if refunds cannot be made, other reasonable compensation should be provided.

Article 16 Responsibilities of business operators and consumers

Business operators shall, in accordance with the provisions of this contract, be responsible for maintaining the security of their own computer systems in line with the security that can be reasonably expected according to the current technological or professional standards when providing this service.

When the computer system or electromagnetic records are damaged, or the computer system operates abnormally, business operators should respond as soon as possible after taking reasonable measures.

When business operators violate the provisions of the first two paragraphs or cause harm to consumers due to loopholes in game programs, they shall be liable for damages based on the circumstances of the harm to consumers. However, if the business operator can prove that he is not at fault, his liability for compensation may be reduced.

When an enterprise operator’s computer system encounters the situation mentioned in item 2, the enterprise operator shall not charge fees to consumers until the repair is completed and the computer system operates normally.

Business operators may not assist in handling disputes between consumers and third parties due to sharing accounts or entrusting others to pay to purchase points.

Article 17 Game Management Rules

In order to regulate the way games are played, business operators should establish reasonable and fair game management rules, and consumers should abide by the game management rules announced by business operators.

Changes to the game management rules shall be made in accordance with the procedures in Article 20. If the game management rules fall into any of the following circumstances, their provisions will be invalid:

  1. Violate the provisions of this contract.
  2. Depriving or restricting consumers’ contractual rights. However, this does not apply to business operators handling the matter in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.

Article 18: Punishment for Violation of Game Management Rules

Except as otherwise provided in this contract, when there are sufficient facts to prove that a consumer violates the game management rules in this game service, the business operator shall make an announcement on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page, and notify the consumer according to the communication information logged in consumer.

If a consumer violates the game management rules for the first time, the business operator should notify the consumer to make improvements within a certain period of time. If improvements are not made after being notified by the business operator, the business operator may restrict the consumer’s right to use the game according to the seriousness of the situation in accordance with the game management rules. If a consumer violates the game management rules again for the same reason, the business operator may immediately restrict the consumer’s right to play the game in accordance with the game management rules. Business operators shall restrict consumers’ rights to play games in accordance with game management rules, and shall not exceed seven days at a time.

Article 19 Right to appeal

If a consumer is dissatisfied with the connection quality, game management, billing, and other related service quality provided by the business operator, or is dissatisfied with the business operator’s handling of the game management rules, he or she may, within seven days from the day after receiving the notice, Go to the service center of the business operator or submit a complaint by email or in writing. The business operator shall respond with the result of the handling within fifteen days after receiving the complaint.

Business operators should clearly specify service hotlines, emails and other relevant contact information and 24-hour complaint channels on the official website or in the game management rules.

Complaints from consumers who report that a third party uses plug-ins or otherwise affects the fairness of the game shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1.

Article 20 Modification of contract

When business operators amend this contract, they should announce it on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page, and notify consumers according to the communication information logged in by consumers.

If the business operator fails to make announcements and notifications in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the changes to the contract will be invalid. Within fifteen days after the receipt of the first notification:

  1. If the consumer does not express any objection, the business operator will continue to provide the game service in accordance with the changed content of the contract.
  2. If the consumer expresses his objection, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the method of termination of the contract by the consumer.

Article 21 Termination of contract and refund

Consumers may terminate this contract by notifying the business operator at any time.

The business operator may agree with the consumer that if the consumer has not logged in to use the game service for more than one year, the business operator may notify the consumer to log in within fifteen days. If the consumer has not logged in within the expiration date, the business operator may Terminate this contract.

If a consumer encounters any of the following major circumstances, the business operator may terminate this contract immediately after notifying the consumer based on the communication information logged in by the consumer:

  1. Use any system or tool to maliciously attack or damage the computer system of business operators.
  2. Play the game by using plug-ins, virus programs, game program loopholes or other methods that violate the normal settings of the game or are fair and reasonable.
  3. Paying for points or in-game products through impersonation, fraud or other false and unfair methods.
  4. Those who use this service in the name of business operators or similar.
  5. Use characters other than Chinese, English and numbers and indecent words as the name of this service.
  6. Being found guilty of any illegal behavior by judicial authorities.
  7. Those who violate this contract or game regulations in serious circumstances.
  8. Those who have violated the game management rules more than three times for the same reason and have not improved despite being notified in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 18.

If a business operator makes an error in determining the facts mentioned in the preceding paragraph or is unable to provide evidence, the business operator shall be liable for damages to consumers.

When the contract is terminated, the business operator shall, after deducting necessary costs, refund the consumer’s unused purchased points or game fees within thirty days by cash, credit card, money order, or registered check, or in a manner agreed by both parties. Process the aforementioned points or fees.

Article 22: Suspension of operations

If the contract is terminated because the business operator ceases the operation of this game service, it shall announce it on the official website homepage, game login page or purchase page 30 days before the termination, and notify consumers according to the communication information logged in by the consumer.

If business operators fail to make announcements and notifications within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, in addition to refunding unused purchase points or game fees to consumers without deducting necessary costs, they shall also provide other reasonable compensation.

Article 23 Service

The consumer agrees that the business operator will deliver notifications regarding all matters in this contract based on the communication information logged in by the consumer.

If there are any changes to the login communication information in the preceding paragraph, consumers should notify the business operator immediately. Business operators should deliver the communication based on the changed communication information.

After the business operator issues a notice based on the communication data logged in by the consumer, it is presumed to have been delivered if a written notice reaches the consumer or an email enters the consumer’s email server.
If the business operator is unable to deliver the goods due to the consumer’s intention or negligence, the business operator shall not be liable for the damage caused by the consumer’s failure to deliver the goods.

Article 24 Applicable law and competent court

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China.

For events arising out of this contract, both parties agree that the Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction.

The agreement in the preceding paragraph shall not exclude the application of the provisions of Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Law and Article 28, Paragraph 2, and Article 436-9 of the Civil Procedure Law.

Game management regulations

  1. The company has the authority to “formulate, change, and delete” game management regulations, and the content of the game regulations may change at any time. When the content changes, the changes will be announced on the website of the business operator. The company will not compensate consumers for any losses caused by not being familiar with the announcement after the game specifications are changed.
  2. All electromagnetic records such as account characters, props and items in this game belong to the Company; if due to game balance or server stability considerations, when necessary in game planning and operation, you agree to the Company’s modification and change Or reply to account, character, items and other information.
  3. When you are sanctioned for violating the content of the game contract and management regulations, you can appeal to the customer service center ([email protected]) within 15 days and request re-inquiry. If the time exceeds, it will be deemed that you agree to the sanction, and the customer service center will not Please reply to deal with such issues.
  4. Consumers are not allowed to publicize or spread unverified untrue and inappropriate remarks about business operators in any way. If this behavior causes damage to the company, the company will reserve the right to pursue legal actions.
  5. If the consumer fails to provide correct personal information or the information originally provided is no longer true and has not been updated, the consumer’s game play and game history inquiry services will be suspended.
  6. The account must be managed by the logged-in user himself. If there is any account loss or problem caused by personal negligence or intentionality, the company cannot provide assistance, and the responsibility must be borne by the individual.
  7. Clearing account data currently cannot be restored. Consumers are advised to think carefully before clearing to avoid causing their own losses.
  8. If the account does not have any login records for more than one year, the business operator will temporarily suspend the account. If the account is not logged in within the validity period of the announcement, the account’s character name and related electromagnetic record data will be deleted.
  9. Any disputes between consumers in the game or in real life should be coordinated and resolved by themselves in accordance with game etiquette and morality to promote a good atmosphere. However, if the circumstances are serious, or if the moral judgment of the operator and the consumer jointly determines that the behavior must be dealt with, this does not apply. The customer service center will cooperate with the judicial unit to temporarily suspend the use of the account of those who violate the current laws.
  10. If a consumer behaves improperly in the game and it involves a judicial case, the customer service center will cooperate with the judicial unit to investigate and temporarily suspend the use of the account.
  11. For the fairness of the game, you agree that the business operator will detect whether consumers use plug-ins, virus programs, game program loopholes or other unfair and reasonable methods to play the game, and use the business operator’s detection results to determine whether Determine whether the consumer has interfered with the fairness of the game.
  12. When an abnormality occurs in the in-game system or level, causing consumers to be unable to play the game normally or affecting balance settings, business operators may prohibit consumers from using it.
  13. If a consumer suffers losses due to deliberate use of in-game program loopholes or due to the consumer’s own negligence, including not being familiar with the game rules, FAQ content, and matters announced on the official website, the business operator will Unable to assist.
  14. There are any abnormal situations in consumer game behavior or payment mechanism, or the use of system abnormalities, game bugs (BUGs) or loopholes in the game, resulting in items, character abilities, experience points and other abnormal game procedures. When the value is exceeded, the business operator has the right to temporarily suspend the account and restore the consumer’s abnormal data to the state before the abnormal situation occurred, and the consumer shall not object.
  15. The name of the consumer role must not contain words or common words with the intention of impersonating a business operator or an employee of the company, swearing at the business operator, profanity, discrimination, sensationalism, obscenity or offensive meanings, including general Swear words, homophones, anatomical terms, insults and the reverse writing of such related words are also not allowed to contain name content that may violate the product rights and copyrights of other companies, groups or individuals. Other character names that do not comply with game regulations will be determined by the business operator. After identification and ruling, the first-time offender’s account will be warned and forced to change its name; the offender’s account will be suspended for three days and forced to change its name; the second-time offender’s account will be suspended for seven days and forced to change its name.
  16. Consumers are not allowed to use their accounts to conduct transactions of cash, valuable items, or between accounts; based on operational considerations, if consumers are found to create transactions of valuable items, account proxy play, website addresses, commercial advertising activities, phone numbers, specific The description of the role of the place name or any name method, or any of the above-mentioned related content in the game or discussion forum, if it is verified to be true, the account will be locked. The account of a first-time offender will be warned, the account of a second offender will be suspended for seven days, and the account of a repeat offender will be suspended for seven days.
  17. Consumers are not allowed to conduct, promote or publish any behavior in the game that violates the laws of the Republic of China or good social customs. If caught, business operators will still impose sanctions even if the consumer has no obvious intention. The account of a first-time offender will be warned, the account of a second offender will be suspended for seven days, and the account of a repeat offender will be suspended for seven days.
  18. If consumers find faulty programs (program loopholes) or other problems in web pages or games, they must quickly use the official website data exception form to report the system. They are not allowed to misuse it privately or transmit information publicly or privately or engage in any behavior. If you refuse to provide relevant information, your account will be suspended for seven days.
  19. Consumers are not allowed to use any plug-ins, auxiliary programs, or engage in any behavioral patterns that will definitely affect the normal progress and balance of the game (any game play method not provided by the business operator is considered illegal use), and business operators All have the right to make temporary suspensions and ask consumers to cooperate in clarifying all relevant behaviors.
  20. Consumers are not allowed to promote or encourage any illegal behavior in any way, including distributing plug-ins, copying, cracking, or software containing viruses or Trojan horses. The account of a first-time offender will be warned, the account of a second offender will be suspended for seven days, and the account of a repeat offender will be suspended for seven days.
  21. Consumers are not allowed to attempt to damage, invade, modify, or crack any game server and client data, and are prohibited from using any other programs that affect the operation of the game. Violators’ accounts will be permanently suspended and relevant legal liabilities will be traced.
  22. Government agencies will be temporarily unable to assist in inquiries and processing cases such as mall points, game systems/content, props/character recovery, etc. during national holidays and special festivals. We ask for your understanding.
  23. When recharging or purchasing mall props, please confirm again before purchasing. Once the mall currency or props of each game are recharged to the designated game account, it means that you have confirmed the content provided by this service. Except under special circumstances, we will not be able to assist with recovery or refund.
  24. If there is any malicious refund behavior or any improper way to obtain benefits, the account will be temporarily suspended after verification. Consumers are asked to contact the business operator.
  25. If consumers use other methods to play games that violate the normal settings of the game or are fair and reasonable, the violator’s account will be temporarily suspended. Consumers are asked to contact the business operator.
  26. All in-game currency or items obtained through non-recharged value cannot be refunded.
  27. All transactions and exchanges related to game accounts, virtual currencies or treasures conducted through any third party that is not a channel certified and cooperated by the enterprise operator. The enterprise operator cannot be involved in any disputes arising therefrom. We are not responsible for it and cannot assist in recovery or refund.
  28. Please abide by the above regulations. If a consumer violates the above rules, the business operator may permanently or temporarily suspend the consumer’s right to use all or part of the game services depending on the seriousness of the case, and the consumer shall bear the responsibility for time-sensitive virtual props and other electromagnetic Recorded losses.

Matters not specified in the rules of this game will be handled by analogy with the relevant laws of the Republic of China.